A RESIDENT IS any person who:

  • Resides within the cities of Novi, Farmington or Farmington Hills.

  • Owns property or a business within the city limits of Novi, Farmington or Farmington    Hills.

  • Is employed by a business of Novi, Farmington or Farmington Hills.

  • Those affiliated with an organization in the cities of Novi, Farmington or Farmington Hills may be eligible only when volunteering on projects sponsored by that organization.

Proof of Eligibility, such as a driver’s license or utility bill may be required upon request.

The person must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible to use access facilities, equipment and channels.  A Residency Verification Form must be completed.


Those persons under age 18 may qualify for certain community access services by having a parent or legal guardian accept full legal and financial responsibility for the actions of the minor by signing the Residency Verification Form.