SWOCC Studio Tours 

 Have you ever wondered how television shows are produced? Curious about what a teleprompter is or how TV shows make their way into your home?

Now you can find out....


The tours will include: access to a television studio, control room, edit suite, Playback room, green room, audio/sound room and “dubbing” room.  You can see the staging area for show preparation and (if on premises) the mobile SWOCC Studios van.  And as part of the tour, SWOCC will tape a short “Promo” of your group at the end of the tour that will show occasionally on INFO-TV 12.

If a television show is in progress, it is possible that certain areas of the facility or equipment will not be accessible.  If the tour is for children, please arrange to have at least (1) parent or supervisor for your group. To make an appointment please call 248.473.2800.