Required Parameters for all programs submitted to be cablecast on INFO TV 12


*     All Programs must have a one (1) minute leader.

Including the following in this order:


  • 30 seconds of SMPTE Bars and 1 kHz Tone

  • 10 seconds of sync black

  • 10 second Slate over sync black:

  • 10 second Countdown

        = 60 second (one minute) leader


Slate Example:

Info TV-12 Productions

Title: The Misadventures of Detective Joe

Subject: The Case of the Missing Left Shoe

Date: March 5, 2004

Producer: Joe Smith

TRT: 00:29:15 *(Total Running Time (TRT) does not include the one (1) minute leader)


*     The show begins on the countdown�s mark of one.


*     All Programs must have a 30 (thirty) second sync black tail following the show.